For Professionals
From veterinarians to emergency responders, we want to help.
Train Your Staff, Keep Them Safe.
Pet Sitters
Veterinarians and Techs
Police and First Responders
Pet Stores
How I Can Help
Sitters & Shelters
Spot problem behaviors before a fight happens, and see what personalities are going to clash.
Vets & Groomers
Learn the warning signs before an “unexpected” bite, safety holds, and techniques to make the dogs comfortable.
Police & EMTs
Know what dogs are dangerously defending their property or owners, and how to get past them quickly and safely.
Pet Stores
Find out what your tools do so you can recommend the right thing for the right dog.
Where We Go
Jenna is in Salem, OR and will travel as far north as Portland and as far south as Corvallis to help professionals gain knowledge and stay safe.
We know that the information a police officer needs is very different than what a groomer needs, so we tailor each 45-60 minute presentation to each professional’s specific requirements.
Prices and Services
With over 25 years experience, Jenna has worked with multiple businesses, private groups, and individuals who are interested in protecting their staff and themselves in situations the everyday person may never encounter.
As a way of giving back she keeps these prices as close to cost as possible, and brings hand outs for people to keep, a presentation with real time video and pictures, and living examples to practice with (when safe and appropriate).
Professional Services:
Contact info:
[email protected]