TranslatingDog - Open Graph Image

For anyone who has moved with a dog…

This webcomic is for you.

(After laughing so hard I cried, it should be noted that I can fix problems like this, if you’d care to ask!)

Many thanks to David, who found that and shared.

Since I should probably put real content on this site, I’d like everyone to know that I’ll be handling a client’s Great Dane at the Los Gatos holiday parade on Dec 4th! We’ll be in the Great Dane Drill Team; look for the only silver Dane (officially called a ‘slate blue’), Bently, and myself somewhere toward the rear of the pack! Anna, of Our Pack, donated her time to training the folks who will be in the drill team, and will be leading us in whatever it is she decides to make us do. Should be exciting! Bently is person-friendly, and if you want to flag me down after the parade to pet a Great Dane, just get there quick! (Bently is working on dog reactivity, so if I suddenly turn away from you to correct her, it isn’t personal!)


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